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Travis Willock reviews

Star Wars-Episode II:
Attack of the Clones
(Widescreen Edition)

Distributed by
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

How can people hate this film? Comparing the "new trilogy" to the original cannot be done. We didn't get Phantom Menace for 16 years and look how much technology had advanced. Someone like George Lucas wouldn't just keep using the same techniques of effects. So do people hate these new installments because of the CGI? I think so. Even in Menace and Clones I felt they lacked a sense of realism the others had down pat. That was part of the appeal of the first films, wires and models.

The characters hurt the new installments as well. Luke and Han are not here and Chewie is nowhere in sight. But what appeals to us in this movie is that we know who Anakin is destined to become, we know who Senator Palpatine is, and we know Jar Jar is ressponisble for the mess to follow; what's interesting is how they get there.

Attack of the Clones tells a fairly more complex story than Menace. While the "what now?" political references are here the kiddy feel to the plot has not carried over. Queen Amidala (played by the hot Natalie Portman) is now a senator and Anakin, ten years older, is a Jedi in training. Obi-Wan Kenobi acts as Anakin's mentor as Qui-Gon had before.

Obi-Wan and Anakin have been assigned to protect Amidal after a failed assassination attempt. After another attempt on her life, this time by a bounty hunter, Obi-Wan sets out to track down the shooter of a poison dart and discovers a major event that will shape the Star Wars Universe. Anakin takes Amidala into seclusion on Naboo and of course... they engage in one fo the sappiest love stories seen on screen.

That's where many believe the film falls apart. The love story does knock the wind out of the sails a bit, but only a little. In between we join Obi-Wan as he fights bounty hunter Jango Fett (in one of the coolest SW fights) and engages in an awesome asteroid chase that needs to be heard to believe. Suffer through the love story and you'll see the glory that is the Clone War. And, come on, the movie isn't THAT bad to the fact where you shouldn't watch it. Let's run down the list: more references to Darth Vader, bounty hunters plus a Boba Fett in training, Natalie Portman as Padme, Yoda fighting, asteroid chase, even a hologram of the Death Star! What more do you want?

If you have seen the TV spots for the DVD release you know what to expect from the video department. This is a perfect transfer ported from the digital source. Presented in anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen (to my dismay there is a cropped full frame version available as well as a newly released full frame version of Menace) this looks great. Blacks are entirely solid and colors are fleshed out when needed. Colors are particulary sharp and vibrant during the Clone War. I noticed very minimal pixelization in interior scenes but nothing obtrusive.

The audio is as perfect as the video. A 5.1 track has never been so alive. The cars in Coruscant, the buzz of a lightsaber, the distant waterfalls of Naboo, all shine perfectly throughout. In theaters I always waited (I saw it 3 times) for the asteroid chase between Jango and Obi-Wan. When Jango fires those seismic charges it becomes silent and then this huge wave of vibration rocks forward. That part was awesome in theaters and has carried over very well on DVD. The only memorable sound from a DVD is Lord of the Rings when Sauron explodes during the prologue.

The extras are of course spread over two discs. Here's how it all stacks up:

Disc 1:

Disc 2:

Overall, Fox has put together one of the best extra packages on the market and puts 'Spider-Man' to shame.

Packaging is amaray with a holder inside for 2 DVDs. Clones is split into an enormous 50 chapters (makes Big Trouble's 11 chapters seem pretty pithy). The cover sports a terrible "cast" photo that should have included the poster instead. Menus are beautifully animated and the same template that was used in Menace's DVD is carried over flawlessly.

With all the Menace comparisons you probably thought I was reviewing that bad movie but this is Clones alright. I liked Clones a lot and think that Lucas finally got it together again and gave fans something to proud of. The DVD is also one of the best on the market. Now if we didn't have to wait until 2005 for the originals to come out on DVD.....



Review copyright © Travis Willock, 2002.

Email Travis Willock

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