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Travis Willock reviews

Dog Soldiers

Distributed by
DEJ Productions

Finally, a good horror movie. And a good werewolf movie too, you can't beat that. I was beginning to think that horror had disapeared and replaced by comedy splicers (the decent Eight Legged Freaks comes to mind). It's a wonder how movies like this with a small budget work better than the big budget ones anymore. Why? Because this was made for the hardcore fans and they won't be dissapointed.

The script splices Night of the Living Dead, Predator, The Evil Dead, Jaws, and Aliens into a seamless experience. You would think this mesh of film would not work but you'll be wrong. The feeling of Aliens is here, the isolation of Night of the Living Dead, someone has done their homework. Teetering on the simple plot of a team of commandos in the Scotland woods. The scene turns messy when their rival wargame team is discovered torn to pieces. One survivor tells of creatures and then..they strike. The team is attacked by werewolves and flee to an abandoned farmhouse. Now they must figure out a way to stay alive until sunrise and aid their wounded seargant in the process. What follows is everything a horror movie used to be.

The cast is assembled well and each plays their roles well. I never stopped believing they were commandos. The score used is very similar to Aliens but it still works for this movie and gives it that tense feeling. Werewolf effects are done the traditional way of people in costumes instead of phony CGI. The script jumps around from time to time but still stays together.

This is the movie horror fans thought would never be made again. Good effects and a cool plot make this stand out. Only a couple of minor complaints. The film takes some worthless twists towards the end and sometimes they didn't show the werewolves very well, which got annoying. You'll see past these problems and see a good movie though.

The color pallete wasn't made to burn your eyes and it shows. The fog and dark interior lighting of the house are generally what makes up this transfer. But is it any good. Both a widescreen 1.85:1 and a worthless full frame transfer are on the same side. The widescreen transfer would have looked a lot better without the full frame version and it shows. Pixelization is there and the transfer just looks muddy and dark at times. Not a complete waste but could have been better.

Audio is presented in Dolby 5.1 and Dolby Surround. The 5.1 track just was not produced well. Some sounds are faded while the most minute practically amplifies. Action scenes work well but others are inconsistent at times. Like the video it's not bad but it could have been better.

The extras department is pretty bare. Here's how it stacks up:

Nothing that will knock your socks off in the extras department but at least there's even anything here.

Packaging is amaray and features a pretty standard cover. 24 chapters split up the movie and menus are static (not to mention set up simply) but feature the film's score.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie a lot. Unfortunately the DVD doesn't shine the same way. But if you like these type of movies it's a guarentee buy.



Review copyright © Travis Willock, 2002.

Email Travis Willock

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