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Dom Robinson reviews


If it dies, so do we.

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Cover DVD:

Cover For me, the movies of Danny Boyle are hit and miss.

Of his films which I've seen, Trainspotting is easily the best with its clever dialogue, great acting from all concerned and brilliant soundtrack. Shallow Grave was also a good piece of entertainment, but at the other end of the spectrum there's the dreadful A Life Less Ordinary which just became 'life less' as a good start fell apart before too long, while 28 Days Later suffered the same problem. The opening was spectacular, but as soon as Christopher Eccleston and the mad army men turned up, it really went south.

Sunshine falls somewhere inbetween all of these.

Cover As the film begins, there's a clever segue from the Fox Searchlight Pictures logo into the start of the film and we meet the crew of the Icarus II settling down to dinner. They're 16 months into their voyage towards the sun which, we learn, is dying. In 50 years time it will be no more, so the answer is to drop a bomb the size of Manhattan island into it as that will 'kick start' the star that gives us life and get it up and running again, theoretically at least.

However, you'll notice from the name of the ship that this isn't the first time anyone's tried to resolve the problem. 7 years ago, the Icarus I, led by Captain Pinbacker (Mark Strong), stopped returning signals home and given that there's only 3 years' worth of food on board, it's unlikely anyone will still be alive after this point so off going the second mission and this is the Earth's last chance... so there you have it: even if the sun doesn't get to the point where it's expanding to such a size that it envelops the Earth and the rest of the universe some time in the future, we're still buggered by external forces so the politicians can stuff their 'green taxes' where they hide their manifestos as Mother Nature's got us beat.

No-one knows what happened to Icarus I, but shortly after the crew lose the ability to transmit messages home and are about to slingshot around Mercury, they pick up the ship's distress beacon, but with it being 10-15,000 miles from them, can they make a stop-off on the way?

Cover Sunshine has an intriguing prospect from the start, and there's always a suspicion that something will go wrong otherwise there'd be no point making a film about it, but while it's great for the first two-thirds, it really falls apart for reasons I don't want to go into as that would spoil it, but I can confirm that it all starts to go wrong once they've discovered the truth about the failure of the first Icarus mission and it seems that Danny Boyle was just trying to be weird for the sake of it. What a great shame. It's like he got bored and took it down the Event Horizon route, but not in any way as inventive.

The cast of dysfunctional crew members works together well but none of them really stand out, apart from the fact that 28 Weeks Later's Rose Byrne is still cute, and I remember Cillian Murphy from 28 Days Later and I remember Michelle Yeoh from the dreadful Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but no-one feels like they're really putting themselves out here.

The Voice of the Icarus II comes from actress Chipo Chung, who sci-fi TV viewers would know as appearing alongside Derek Jacobi in the Doctor Who episode from the 2007 series, Utopia, as his servant Chantho, who kept adding 'tho' before everything she said.

Cover The film is presented in the original 2.35:1 theatrical ratio and is anamorphic with no problems whatsoever, the spaceship looking nicely desolate as does the sun look bright and golden, with great firey SFX as appropriate.

The Dolby Digital 5.1 output is great as well, with wonderful sound effects as the angle of the shield is changed in a 'pivotal' moment (pun not intended) and the metal contracts and expands, not to mention for a number of scenes that I can't detail here for fear of spoiling it. There are a fair few overly quiet scenes in the film, but the soundtrack packs a punch when required.

The extras are as follows:

The DVD menus are static and mostly silent, but the main one has an annoying piece of music from the film that only runs for a few seconds and then just repeats itself ad infinitum. Subtitles come in English and there are only 20 chapters for the 103- minute running time, so a few extra would've been nice.

Stupidly, however, this disc starts with a trailer for 24 Season 5... which came out last year, and it's also stupid because the Special Features section is for trailers, not the start of a disc that makes it look like a low-rent video rental title. Trailers also follow for Prison Break Season 2, Pathfinder and... a Maltesers ad! Oh, then another trailer, for 28 Weeks Later which also stars this film's Rose Byrne. Oh, and then one more trailer - Day Watch, which does look superb, though.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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