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Dom Robinson reviews

Sin City

Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything.

Distributed by
Touchstone Home Video

Cover DVD:
Limited Edition Boxset:

I was massively impressed when I first saw clips of Sin City as it gave an effective comic-book look to the image, and seeing that it's taking three stories from Frank Miller's graphic novels then it sounds like the right way to go about it, which it is but there's a but...

Sin City tells three stories, which intermingle slightly but not in any major way that holds the plot together - we're not exactly talking Magnolia here. Without spoiling the plot too much, the first tells about hard-done-by world-weary cop John Hartigan (Bruce Willis, right) who is due to retire but still has time to take on the case of rescuing a kidnapped, 11-year-old girl called Nancy. After a period of years pass, she's transformed into a bar-top dancer played by the achingly-gorgeous Jessica Alba, who appears in all three pictures in this review, the last one of which isn't from the film, but who cares. I won't divulge what happens, but theirs is a relationship that's set to transcend all others.

The second story features Marv (Mickey Rourke), who is someone with facial features that you wouldn't bestow on anyone but when he's framed for a murder he didn't commit, the victim of which, Goldie (Jaime King), he happens to wake up next to, he must go on the run in a bid to clear his name with the help of lesbian parole officer Lucille (the stunning Carla Gugino).

Story three starts with waitress Shellie (Brittany Murphy being hassled by drugged-up Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro) and his associates, but as her boyfriend Dwight (Clive Owen with an iffy American accent) goes off to track him down and finish them off the ramifications of this are more than he can handle alone and results in a showdown in Old Towne between the authorities and him together with a group of hookers who run the district, led by Gail (Rosario Dawson).

All three stories are located within Basin City, hence it's the truncated name which gives the movie its title.

On the plus side, this movie, shot in 1.85:1 with digital video cameras with all the backgrounds pasted in after filming and presented here in anamorphic widescreen, has fantastic picture composition throughout for the uncompromising subject matter. It's outstanding the way this movie is made to look like the original comic book, having been filmed in black and white, with some colour such as red for blood and lipstick and yellow for the eponymous 'Yellow Bastard'.

Soundwise, while all the sound FX are brilliantly clear and the dialogue is faultless, this DVD is still missing the DTS 5.1 soundtrack in favour of an Italian DD5.1 and an English audio-descriptive track. Listen, Buena Vista, DTS is better than DD, so if the DTS soundtrack exists - take it!

On the downside about this film, like the Chronicles of Riddick movie where I'd rather have been playing the game - this film also looks more like a game that should be played instead of watched as it just cries out to be interactive. Also, the stories don't quite pan out within their time as they should since it's a largely a case of style over substance so you start to get a bit bored after a while and realise after each part has completed that there wasn't an awful lot to it in the first place.

There's an overly large cast so not all of the actors have the same impact they should have on a project like this and it can be a little too self-righteous as if the characters have nothing else in their lives to think about - e.g. Marv about Goldie; and Hartigan about Nancy.

Sin City is, audio/visually, still a very appealing way of spending a couple of hours so I'd definitely recommend a rental. I'd also like Robert Rodriguez to consider making a movie out of the Max Payne computer game character, an experience which had a similar visual feel inbetween the action. Then again, I'd probably be back whinging about the fact I couldn't jump in and play it...

Extras-wise, sadly this DVD is distinctly lacking. Aside from the aforementioned audio descriptive track there's just an 8-minute Behind the Scenes featurette including a number of soundbites from cast and crew. Surely there's more they could've included here? Given the way it was shot, a paltry 8-minutes about it is an insult.

To conclude, the subtitles are in English only - and their usage makes this movie look even more like a comic book. There are 28 chapters which is a decent amount for this movie's length, and the menus are done to suit the movie's style with a small piece of audio/video repeated.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2005.

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