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Dom Robinson reviews

Shadow Man 2econd Coming

for Sony Playstation 2

Distributed by

cover pic The original Shadow Man was a game I wasn't party to, but had heard many good things, so looked forward to this sequel.

You take on the role of Shadow Man, aka Mike LeRoi, in a game which has you battling a group of demons known as the Grigori. If you die and they win, they will raise Asmodeus from The Pit and humanity will be destroyed in an unimaginable cataclysmic event. I think that sounds like bad things will happen.

What can you do to stop them? Well, if zombies get in your way you can shoot them with the implements of destruction that you collect in the game, starting with a nail gun, or thump them bare-fisted. While it looks good with a dark, eerie atmosphere and, if the camera gets up close to you, your beating heart looks very cool indeed, you'll come across the zombies early on and that's where the disappointment begins, since a bit of flailing of left and right hooks will quickly demolish them, sometimes cracking apart into several pieces.

game pic The sound isn't a great deal to shout about, either. An ambient tune plays in the background, but it doesn't really seem to fit in with this game. Sound FX of shooting or thumping someone is incredibly lacklustre too.

The movement of Mike seems a little bit stilted at times when you need to turn round while moving forward because he stays facing forward and as well as not appearing to turn round the control just doesn't feel right. Programmers facing this dilemma should take a look at Grand Theft Auto 3 for how to avoid this experience and get it right. On the plus side, though, you can swap the analogue joystick controls over in the set-up menu, which helps both left- and right-handed gamers.

game pic As the game progresses, you collect other items and documents along the way which will aid you in your quest, but it's all done in a very linear fashion. You can go exploring a little in some rooms, but that's mainly just to defeat a few tertiary enemies and pick up power-ups.

For the most part, it's all been done before and if you're going to have the player trudging down dark alleyway after dark alleyway, you need to create an atmosphere. If you want to make the player scared by the approaching zombies then do something that'll make them shit themselves at the first opportunity. Games such as the first Resident Evil and Thief 2: The Metal Age did that for me, but it's a rarely-repeated experience.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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