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Dom Robinson reviews

RC Stunt Copter

for Sony Playstation

Distributed by

RC Stunt Copter Pic
  • Price: £39.99
  • Players: 1
  • RC Stunt Copter is a rare thing - a flight-sim on a Playstation, but not a conventional one. Instead of controlling a Lear Jet or a Jumbo, you get to twiddle with the controls of a remote controlled helicopter!

    The pitch of the game is simple. Control your chopper, pull off some stunts - which range from simply flying about to shooting targets - and try not to crash into the ground. How accurate you are, the amount of fuel left and other factors, will determine your score for that round. Achieve it and you can progress, otherwise you'll be asked to try try again.

    For the single player, the game starts with a training round and you can only go on to the one-player option after you've completed the initial tasks. A 2-player game is also available as is a "free flight" mode in which you can fly where you like.

    Graphics, Sound and Playability

    The graphics in this game play very much on the side of minimalism. There's nothing here that'll make your jaw drop but a simple chopper, targets to shoot at or land on and landscapes includes rolling hills, buildings and the sea. Some of these areas can be explored and some can't. The graphics move fast, sometimes too fast, but it'll keep you on your toes.

    The sound - a buzzing chopper, shooting sounds that resemble that of a fairground as you aim at your targets, an annoying voice that can be switched off, which levels criticisms whether or not you ask for them, plus the intro to the stadium chant of Queen: We Will Rock You.

    Half-marks for the playability. It takes a long time to get used to the controls - which is what the training section is for - but even still it would probably be easier with an analogue controller and not the standard Sony gamepad I'm still using, causing me to spin round and down into the grass.

    RC Stunt Copter Pic


    At first I was ready to throw the gamepad down in frustration when I kept crashing during the early training sessions, but this is one of those curiosities that for a while will draw you back for "just one more go". However, the levels are way too hard and require too much precision, so if you can't progress quickly you may stop having that one more go.

    I wouldn't say this was worth paying full price for, but definitely worth a rental and if you like it then consider it when it is reduced to Platinum-price.

    If you're after some more RC Stunt Copter info, you can check out the official Interplay Website at www.interplay.com.

    GRAPHICS 		: ***
    PLAYABILITY		: **½
    ORIGINALITY 		: ***
    ENJOYMENT 		: ***
    OVERALL 		: ***

    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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